Friday, 4 May 2012

Mural art with Photoshop

Vẽ tranh tường nghệ thuật với Photoshop With the power of Photoshop is the implementation of a painting on a wall in the photo is entirely possible.
Rather than hold the spray paint the wall looking empty and abandoned less and less capital, why not create your own picture painted bottle grafity Photoshop effect.
You find yourself a custom photo wall easily with Google Image. For example, here is this stone wall.
Create a new layer and draw your logo or text on Grafity. Note that if made by machine, this logo must be exported in bitmap format for ease of "Transform" later.
Select the logo layer, use Ctrl + T and right click on the image, select Perspective, hold and drag the anchor points of the logo so that the appropriate perspective to your walls.
If the logo is too long for the wall, you can also zoom out by holding down Ctrl + T. Perspective to continue taking the perspective of the logo matches the walls. This step should be done carefully because it is very much decided to end the authenticity of the image.
Then select the blending mode to Overlay for the logo.
As a result:
At this, our logo is still pretty sharp and looks like a wall rather than drawing pictures. The need to do is make the blurred edges of the logo. Duplicate the logo up once and bring this layer beneath the first layer. Select the layer copy, use Gaussian Blur effect (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) with 5 pixels.
If your walls have the dash apart, you can use a mild detergent to clean away, and it's done. Wish you success with your work Grafity!

Mural art with Photoshop

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