Friday, 4 May 2012

Create text effects with Photoshop Warcraft

Create text effects with Photoshop Warcraft

Tạo hiệu ứng chữ Warcraft với Photoshop Just a few simple steps, you can create yourself a logo WarCraft style game.
WarCraft is a game too well known among gamers, if not a legend. The character, skill, and especially the image style logo with special characters have become familiar and form a separate brand. For those passionate about this game, why do not we make her own style of WarCraft logo, just a few simple steps, you will achieve the unexpected.
Create a new file with the following dimensions:

[Image: 1_6fbb7.jpg]
You can download the font font WarCraft emulator here and proceed to install fonts on your computer by just unzip and copy fonts down on the Control Panel> Fonts.
Select the Type Tool and choose a font that used to type words down on you.
[Image: 2_afcd0.jpg]
After you finish typing, you can make the Kerning, adjust font size as well as the baseline for most your eye.
[Image: 3_60e7e.jpg]
Duplicate this layer twice. Select the first text layer blending options and apply effects such as the following table:
Bevel and Emboss
[Image: 4_377f3.jpg]
Color Overlay
[Image: 5_bd3f9.jpg]
Pattern Overlay: select Texture Fill 2 and shingles.
[Image: 6_9001a.jpg]
[Image: 7_72714.jpg]
In the text copy layer 1, the Fill parameter to 0% and then apply the following effects:
[Image: 8_230d3.jpg]
Before moving to the next layer, Ctrl click on text layer copy first to make a selection around the text.
[Image: 9_1543b.jpg]
Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance and adjust the following parameters for shadows, midtones and highlights, note that you remember to check in items Serve Luminosity.
[Image: 10_de974.jpg]
[Image: 11_b1adf.jpg]
[Image: 12_cdea9.jpg]
In copy 2 layer, you also adjust parameters Fill to 0% and apply effects such as the following table:
[Image: 13_6893f.jpg]
[Image: 14_e337c.jpg]
And this is the final result:
[Image: 15_20377.jpg]
With words like style just made, you can fully unleash your creativity when you change the background, or on a different art work. Wish you success!

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